Teurgoule ( Our adaptation of the classic Normand recipe)

750gr  whole milk
1  cinnamon stick
1  vanilla bean, split and scraped
1 whole star anise, slightly crushed
20gr.  fresh ginger, sliced in large round pieces
1/2  whole nutmeg, slightly crushed
3 cardamom pods, slightly crushed
150 gr. sugar – (you can also use a light brown sugar as an option)
4 egg yolks
220gr long grain rice
Up to 1/2L   whipping cream -  see step 7
40ml Calvados (Apple Brandy)


1.     Heat milk to a near simmer in a sauce pan with all of the spices.

2.     In a separate heat proof bowl, whisk the yolks with the sugar until pale and creamy.

3.     Put a damp cloth under the bowl of egg mixture and pour the hot liquid in a slow steady stream into the bowl, whisking the stream in constantly, never letting the mixture stop. 

4.     Pour the mixture back into the saucepan and add the rice.  Let this cook on a very low heat, never letting be more than a simmer, stirring regularly to ensure that nothing is sticking ot the bottom of the pot.

5.     Once rice is tender and no longer firm, remove from the heat, and remove the whole spices by hand.

6.     Set mixture aside and let it cool slightly, then add the Calvados.

7.     If the mixture is too thick, stir in whipped cream to thin the consistency and also reduce the starchy texture.

Instead of Calvados and whipped cream, use Baileys and a touch of cream instead.