Confiture of Cowichan Bay Apple & Cherry with Lemon Thyme butter


2kg apples, washed and cubed/wedged
1kg cherries, stem removed and washed only (fresh or frozen*)
750gr .white sugar
100gr. unsalted butter, cold cubed
6-8 stems lemon thyme
2 large lemon , squeezed (125ml store bought lemon juice optional but not recommended)
Few cracks   black pepper mill (optional)

* Make sure the cherries are whole with the pit. Do not use cherries that have been split open as they will release their juices instantly which will compromise the apple true flavor.

“We want the sugar to get to the apple before the cherry juice. Simmering is also key” says Chef Thierry Meret, co-founder and culinary instructor.

 Here are your steps:

1.     Combine the cuts apples with the cherries (fresh or frozen) and the sugar. Mix well and allow to marinate for 20 minutes to half hour.

2.     Pre-heat your baking oven to 300F.

3.     Transfer the marinating “syrupy and sugary” fruit mix in a large soup top and cook COVERED on medium heat (gentle bubble of the low simmer is ideal), stirring very regularly, and adjusting heat if needed.

4.     Within 45 mns, you will get a soft jam with still small pieces of soft apples and cherries.

5.     Stir in the cold diced butter with the lemon thyme, then stir in the lemon juice.

6.     Cover with an oven safe lid or a piece of tin foil and place in to preheated oven for about 45 minutes or until creamy and shiny but not dry. Remove and run the fruit mix through a food mill (ricer) to remove the pits and unwanted remaining skins.

7.     While the jam is cooking, prepare your canning table, canner, sterilize jars, lids* and screw rings.
*For the lids, place them in a small saucepan filled with water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and set the pan aside.

8.     Ladle hot jam into hot jars, leaving ½ inch headspace. Gently tap the filled jars down on a cloth to push out trapped air bubbles.

9.     Wipe rim clean with a damp cloth and place hot lid disc on jar. Screw band down until fingertip-tight. Do not over-tighten.

10.  Place jars in canner and return to a boil: 10 minutes for 250ml jar | 5 minutes for 125ml jars.

11.  Remove jars from water and let stand until completely cold on a towel-lined surface.

12.  Check lids (should be curved down and not bouncy) and reprocess any jars that aren’t sealed.

13.  Hand-tighten the lids firmly when cold, label and date.

 Shelf life
Some says forever but at least 2 years.