Mini Coconut Cakes with Mojito Curd filling Ingredients, Recipes, Special occasionCuisine and ChâteauMay 29, 2024coconut cake, cooking classes Calgary, curd, Mojito
Grilled Prosciutto wrapped asparagus with goat cheese Recipes, Ingredients, Special occasionCuisine and ChâteauApril 5, 2024Cuisine et Chateau Inc.Asparagus, Prosciutto, goat cheese, summer grill vegetable
Black Forest Lava Cake – smoked cinnamon- Thierry MeretFebruary 28, 2024cooking classes, Calgary, flack forest cake, lava cake, molten cake, chocolate, cinnamon, smoked cinnamon
Salmon Wellington Thierry MeretFebruary 2, 2024wellington, slamon, cooking classes, Calgary cooking classes, best cooking school in Calgary
Spanish Sangria Thierry MeretJanuary 3, 2024Sangria, Spnaish cooking class, spanish drinks, best cocktail, simpel wine based cocktail
Bûche de Noël – Yule log eNews, Ingredients, Recipes, Special occasionThierry MeretDecember 5, 2023Yule log, cooking class Calgary, christmas baking, buche de Noel
Cranberry & Orange maple pie with whole wheat crust Thierry MeretOctober 6, 2023CRANBERRY ORANGE MAPLE PIE WITH WHOLE WHEAT CRUST, cranberry recipe, Thanksgiving dessert idea, cooking classes Calgary